Registration 101


The Code of Ethics obliges all members resident in the USA to register every eligible Cavalier they owned, bred, or imported with the CKCSC-USA. 

Ownership also includes:

  • Co-ownership with a Club Member, or
  • Listed as an owner or co-owner of a Cavalier in any other registry recognized by the CKCSC, USA.

If you are a new or returning Member, please see the Member Welcome Policy and Special Fees.

All paperwork submitted to the Registration Office must be submitted as originals or clear, readable copies.

If your paperwork is submitted by means other than hardcopy, the documents when printed must look as they would if made ona regular flatbed copier or sent via good quality fax.  Many pictures made with smartphones cannot be accepted due to quality.  To be acceptable:

  • Document copies, images, and computer files sent to CKCSC Registration must print out at the full dize of the original document.
  • They cannot be linearly distorted or blurred.
  • They must have normal contrast.

Mail your registration documentation to:

Laura Glynn, CKCSC Club House Manager
212 Radcliff Drive
Upper Nyack, NY 10960

Please feel free to contact the Registration Office with any questions.

phone: 865-688-2484
fax: 865-219-0363

Registration Committee Members are also available to answer questions or provide advice about your paperwork.  Refer to Committees for the current list of members.

The NEXT STEP section on page 2 of each form lists the required documents for that transaction.  If you wish a complete check list of required documents for all forms, refer to the Registration Section on Forms and Documents and select Registration Transaction Document Checklist.

Only the commonly used forms for the most frequent registration transactions listed below are included on this page. 

  • Register an Individual Dog
  • Register a Litter
  • Transfer a Dog
  • Register an Affix

All forms are fillable.  Click the form name to use it.

For a complete list of forms covering other transfsactions, refer to the Registration Section on Forms and Documents.


To be eligible for registration in the CKCSC, USA, Registry, an individual Cavalier must be registered with the recognized kennel club of the country of their birth.

Paperwork to register an eligible Cavalier must be submitted to the Registration Office within 30 days of purchase.  Any missing documents must be submitted within 6 months, including a DNA profile.  Both conditions must be met to avoid a $100 late fee.

Cavaliers born in the USA and not registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) are not eligible for registration within the CKCSC, USA, but can be registered in the Performance Event Registry.  

A Performance Event Number (PEN) allows Cavaliers not eligible for registration to participate in CKCSC approved Trials and Junior Showmanship and earn titles in:

  • Obedience,
  • Rally,
  • Agility,
  • Trick Dog,
  • Scent Work, and 
  • Therapy Dog.

For a Cavalier born and registered in the country of their birth:

  1. Register an individual dog from registries accepted by the CKCSC, USA  
  2. Export Pedigree (born outside the USA) or AKC Certified Pedigree. 
  3. Registration Certificate from the Country of Origin. 

For all other Cavaliers: Submit the PEN Application.


The CKCSC Code of Ethics obligates members to register every puppy in every litter.

Registration fees are for individual puppies in the litter, not one fee for the entire litter.  (See the Fee Schedule.)

All litter registrations are due within 6 months of whelp to avoid late fees.  The late fees are as follows based on the age of the litter when the paperwork is received.

  • $100 - Over 6 months of age and not yet over 1 year, and
  • $250 - Over 1 year of age and not  yet over 18 months.

Litters over 18 months of age are subject to a $500 fine and a Code of Ethics Violation.

For litters sire by dogs not registered with the CKCSC, you must include a certified pedigree and registration certificates from the country of origin (birth).

  • For dogs born in the USA: AKC Certified Pedigree and Registration Certificate.
  • For dogs born outside the USA: Export Pedigree and Registration Certificate from the country of origin.  If the dog is not resident in the USA, a Certified Pedigree from the country of origin is required.

Transfer forms signed by the Breeder(s) and New Owner(s) for the puppies in the litter may be included with the litter registration.

For all litter registrations: Enter the dates of mating on the litter application if the Breeder witnessed the mating or was otherwise responsible for effecting it.  Otherwise, enter the dates of mating on the Stud Service Certificate.

For a standard litter registration:

  1. Litter Application 
  2. Stud Certificate
  3. DNA profile for the sire and the dam. (See DNA Policy.)

For a litter where the ownership of the sire and dam is the same:  Submit an Express Litter Application and DNA profiles.  No Stud Service Certificate is required, but you must complete the dates of mating on the litter application.

Multiple-Sire Litters

The CKCSC, USA allows the registration of litters with more than one sire. Parentage of every puppy must be determined using the AKC’s DNA Parentage Evaluation prior to registration. The official DNA Parentage Evaluation Table and written report of the Parentage Evaluation must be submitted with the registration forms. DNA profiles alone are NOT sufficient for this purpose. 

Once you are aware of the potential for a litter with multuple sires, you must immediately notify the Registration Office.

Once the litter is whelped, obtain DNA profiles for the potential sires, dam, and all puppies and an AKC Parentage Evaluation.  This step should be taken as soon as possible to accomodate any delays obtaining the results.  The AKC Parentage Evaluation Report must be submitted with the paperwork to register the litter regardless of the confirmed number of sires.

For a confirmed single sire litter: Submit the usual Standard or Express Litter Application and the AKC Parentage Evaluation Report.

For a confirmed multiple-sire litter:

  1. Application to Register a Multiple Sire Litter
  2. Stud Certificate for each sire
  3. DNA profiles for the dam, all sires, and all puppies
  4. AKC DNA Parentage Evaluation Table and AKC Parentage Evaluation Report


The CKCSC Code of Ethics obligates members to submit change in ownership to the Registration Office.  It is the responsibility of the current owner (not the new owner) to see that the necessary forms and fees to change the ownership of a Cavalier are submitted to the Registration Office in a timely fashion.

  1. Transfer of Dog 
  2. Original CKCSC, USA, Pedigree Certificate.


If you are a Regular member in good standing for at least one year with the CKCSC, USA, and own a Cavalier registered with the CKCSC, USA, you may register an Affix (Kennel Name) with the Club.

If you have previously registered Cavaliers with an approved registry, you may apply to register an affix prior to attaining one year's membership in the CKCSC.   Associate membership may be used to fulfill the one-year membership requirement; however, only Regular members may submit an application.

Application to Register an Affix