Performance Titles Achieved
Sport Title Title Name Registered Name Owner(s) Breeder(s) Title Date
CKCSC, USA Versatility
CVA Versatility Achiever Covington Stargazer, CVA CBN CRI CTKA Jeanne & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 11/05/24
CVA Versatility Achiever Starmarc Showgirl, CVA CBN CRE CTKN Carolyn Peterson and James Peterson Cynthia Hooper 10/04/24
CVAX Versatility Achiever Excellent Covington Darby, CVAX CCD CBN CRAE CAJP CTKN Jeanne Kestner Heidi Mohn 11/05/24
CKCSC, USA Obedience
CCD Companion Dog Closeburn Bonny Mackenzie, CCD CRN Alburta Lowe Linda Fairchild 10/06/24
CCD Companion Dog Nighthawk Jinx Youre It, CCD CRN Daviann L Mitchell Daviann L Mitchell 10/06/24
CBN Beginner Novice Covington Stargazer, CBN CTKN Jeanne S & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 01/15/24
CBN Beginner Novice Obedience Falling Springs Firebird Of Aspenglow, CBN CRI CTKN Carolyn and James Peterson Barbara Grimm Curley & Mandy Mulligan 07/08/24
CRN Rally Novice Carlen Red Sails At Night, CRN Betty Lou Marter Carla Sue Close 11/09/24
CRN Rally Novice Closeburn Bonny Mackenzie, CCD CRN Alburta Lowe Linda Fairchild 10/06/24
CRN Rally Novice Covington Stargazer, CRN CBN CTKN Jeanne S & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 07/07/24
CRN Rally Novice Covington Zinnea Beauty, CRN Maureen Alvarez and Carinne M. Glines Heidi Mohn 07/08/24
CRN Rally Novice Nighthawk Jinx Youre It, CCD CRN Daviann L Mitchell Daviann L Mitchell 10/06/24
CRN Rally Novice Silverstreak Royal Ascot, CRN Nancy J & Elizabeth Atkinson Verna Gee 01/13/24
CRI Rally Intermediate Covington Stargazer, CBN CRI CTKA Jeanne & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 10/05/24
CRI Rally Intermediate Gracelyn Girl On Fyre, CRI Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory 11/09/24
CRI Rally Intermediate Mingchen Yukon River At High Flight, CRI Robert & Wendy Parris Louise M Pearce 01/15/24
CRA Rally Advanced Falling Springs Firebird Of Aspenglow, CBN CRA CTKN Carolyn and James Peterson Barbara Grimm Curley & Mandy Mulligan 10/05/24
CRAE Rally Advanced Excellent Gracelyn Dream Weaver, CVAX CCD CBN CRAE CMX CMXJ CTKN Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory, Darlene Petralia and Carol Rose 06/23/24
CKCSC, USA Agility
CNA Novice Agility The Amish Umbrella, CNA Jenn Stollery Performance Event Number 06/16/24
CAX Agility Excellent Gracelyn Dream of the Endless, CAX CAXJ Kathleen Gruver Sabine Gregory, Darlene Petralia and Carol Rose 06/15/24
CMX Master Agility Daisylane Wind Beneath My Wings, CMX CMXJ CTKN Wendy Doret & Kristine Schmidt Wendy Doret & Kristine Schmidt 06/15/24
CMX Master Agility Gracelyn Dream Weaver, CVAX CCD CBN CRE CMX CMXJ CTKN Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory, Darlene Petralia and Carol Rose 06/16/24
CMXP Master Agility Preferred Gracelyn For Your Eyes Only, CAX CMXJ CMXP CTKA Jean Weis & Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory, Darlene Petralia and Carol Rose 06/15/24
COAJ Open Agility Jumper Kayangee Isobel Of Huntington, COAJ CTKN Kari Kornish Georgann and Kenneth Kates, Jr 06/16/24
COAJ Open Agility Jumper Kayangee Jackson Brodie, CCD CBN CRI CNA COAJ CTKN Lois Henry Georgann and Kenneth Kates, Jr 06/16/24
CAXJ Excellent Agility Jumper Gracelyn Sweet Summer Breeze, COA CAXJ Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory 06/15/24
CAJP Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred Gracelyn Wild Summer Dream, CCD COA CNAJ CAJP Joey Bourgholtzer Sabine Gregory 06/16/24
CMJP Master Agility Jumper Preferred Copper Lee Macie of Copperfield, CAX CAXJ CMJP CTKN Lynne MacLuskie Judy Breuer 06/15/24
CKCSC, USA Performance Titles
Completed in 2024
Sport Title Title Name Registered Name Owner(s) Breeder(s) Title Date
CKCSC, USA Performance Titles
Completed in 2024
CKCSC, USA Scent Work
CSEN Scent Work Exterior Novice Karlee Graystone Figment the Dream Finder, CBN CRI CSWN CTKN Betty Lou Marter & Sabine Gregory Carol Rose & Patricia Martello 11/10/24
CSEN Scent Work Exterior Novice Noonvale Firewalker, CCD CBN CRA CSEN CTKN Kate & Connie Bertron Mary Louise Gregg & Kate Bertron 11/10/24
CSWN Scent Work Novice Karlee Graystone Figment the Dream Finder, CBN CRI CSWN CTKN Betty Lou Marter & Sabine Gregory Carol Rose & Patricia Martello 11/10/24
CKCSC, USA Trick Dog
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Buddington's Bruce Lee, CTKN William & Kathy Acosta Elizabeth Kost & Elizabeth Rowe 06/22/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice CH Falling Springs Black Flame At Madryn, JW CTKN Flynn & Susan Weeks Barbara Grimm Curley 06/22/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Intrynzik Symphony, CTKN Carolyn & James Peterson John & Elise Goodwin 07/06/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Kellene Bad To The Bone, CTKN Courtney P Carter & Mary Pat Ezzo, VMD Kelli Marshall 10/04/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Kornish's Katherine The Great, CTKN Kari Kornish Performance Event Number 06/22/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Krystle Boy George, CTKN Patricia E. & Frederick Fantom Cindy & Larry Torgersen 11/09/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Madryn Heart Piece At Rainheart, CTKN Jess & Kala Mautone & Susan Weeks Susan & Flynn Weeks 11/09/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Marilee A Dash Of Buttons, CTKN Nancy J. Atkinson & Kelly Collins, DVM, Kelly Collins, DVM 07/07/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Marilee Summer Derby, CTKN Nancy J Atkinson & Kelly Collins, DVM Kelly Collins, DVM 01/14/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice CH Nightingale Heart Of Gold, AW CTKN Flynn & Susan Weeks Mandy Mulligan 11/09/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Nightingale Mr Bojangles, CTKN Patricia E. Fantom Mandy Mulligan 11/09/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Nightingale Pink Moon, CTKN Jess and Kala Mautone Mandy Mulligan 11/09/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Praise Jesus for Beautiful Baby Amanda, CTKN Maria Lynne Moultrie-Dube Reynold Bauman 04/20/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Silverstreak Royal Ascot, CRN CTKN Nancy J & Elizabeth Atkinson Verna Gee 01/14/24
CTKN Trick Dog Novice Stone Hedge's Indy Speedway, CTKN Erin Melissa & James Keen Erika Hedge 09/06/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Buddington's Bruce Lee, CTKI William & Kathy Acosta Elizabeth Kost & Elizabeth Rowe 06/22/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Covington Stargazer, CBN CRN CTKI Jeanne & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 10/04/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Kayangee Isobel of Huntington, COAJ CTKI Kari Kornish Georgann and Kenneth Kates, Jr 06/22/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Kornish's Katherine The Great, CTKI Kari Kornish Performance Event Number 06/22/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Marilee A Dash Of Butters, CTKI Nancy J Atkinson & Kelly Collins, DVM Kelly Collins, DVM 10/04/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Marilee Summer Derby, CTKI Nancy J Atkinson & Kelly Collins, DVM Kelly Collins, DVM 07/06/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Nightingale Pink Moon, CTKI Jess & Kala Mautone Mandy Mulligan 11/09/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Praise Jesus for Beautiful Baby Amanda, CTKI Maria Lynne Moultrie-Dube Reynold Bauman 04/20/24
CTKI Trick Dog Intermediate Silverstreak Royal Ascot, CTKI Nancy J & Elizabeth Atkinson Verna Gee 07/06/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Buddington's Bruce Lee, CTKA William & Kathy Acosta Elizabeth Kost & Elizabeth Rowe 06/22/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Covington Stargazer, CBN CRN CTKA Jeanne & Robert Kestner Heidi Mohn 10/04/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Marilee Summer Derby, CTKA Nancy J Atkinson & Kelly Collins, DVM Kelly Collins, DVM 10/04/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Nightingale Pink Moon, CTKA Jess & Kala Mautone Mandy Mulligan 11/09/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Praise Jesus for Beautiful Baby Amanda, CTKA Maria Lynne Moultrie-Dube Reynold Bauman 04/20/24
CTKA Trick Dog Advanced Silverstreak Royal Ascot, CRN CTKA Nancy J & Elizabeth Atkinson Verna Gee 10/04/24
CTKP Trick Dog Performer Praise Jesus for Beautiful Baby Amanda, CTKP Maria Lynne Moultrie-Dube Reynold Bauman 04/20/24
2024 Annual Obedience Awards
Class Registered Name Owner Breeder Club Date Judge Score
Novice Nighthawk Jinx Youre It, CCD CRN Daviann L Mitchell Daviann L Mitchell CKCSC 10/6/24 Gail Katz 199.5
Open None
Utility None
Veteran None
Rally 100 Awards for 2024
Cavalier Owner Breeder Class Score
The Amish Umbrella, CNA Jenn Stollery Performance Event Number Rally Nov B 100
Nighthawk Jinx Youre It, CCD CRN Daviann L Mitchell Daviann L Mitchell Rally Nov B 100
Piccadil Stepping Out To Charleston, COA COAJ Jenn Stollery Janet York Rally Nov B 100
Annual Agility Awards - 2024
Cavalier Owner(s) Breeder(s)
Daisylane Wind Beneath My Wings, CMX CMXJ CTKN Wendy Doret & Kristine Schmidt Wendy Doret & Kristine Schmidt 280
Gracelyn For Your Eyes Only, CAX CMXJ CMXP CTKA Jean Weis & Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory 162
Gracelyn Dream Weaver, CVAX CCD CBN CRAE CMX CMXJ CTKN Sabine Gregory Sabine Gregory 82
Gracelyn Dream of the Endless, CAX CAXJ Kathleen Gruver Sabine Gregory 68
Copper Lee Macie of Copperfield, CAX CAXJ CMJP CTKN Lynne MacLuskie Judy Breuer 68