New Member Application


  1. By submitting my membership application, I understand that CKCSC, USA may email me or contact met regarding membership, activities and club related business by telephone, email, text messages with the contact information I provide in my application.  I understand the consent is not a condition to purchase any other goods or services. 
  2. Regular and Associate Memberships are granted to individuals on an annual basis from January 1 through December 31. The membership of a person joining from October 1 through December 31 shall run until the end of the following year.
  3. Club publications distributed to all members are the Bulletin (published three times a year) and the Yearbook (annually in October). New members will receive those Club publications which are distributed to all members at the time of general distribution from the date (day) of, but not prior to, the date (day) of membership acceptance.
  4. For any Regular Member, a second Regular Membership for one other member in the household is available at a discount. The additional family member must live at the same residence and be over 18 years of age. Both are Regular Members and can vote and show at all CKCSC-USA events, but only one set of printed publications is mailed to the household. If applicable, verify that the Grand Total of all items on the New Membership Application includes the subtotal, if any, from the Regular Membership Supplemental Application For A Family Member.
  5. All four Regional Clubs welcome new Members from all parts of the country and sponsor Championship Point Shows, Fun Matches, Health Clinics, Educational Seminars and other activities. In addition to the National’s Bulletin, all four Regional Clubs produce their own informative newsletters that provide additional information on local/regional activities. The only requirement for membership in a Regional Club is membership in the CKCSC-USA.

If you would prefer to submit this application offline, you can Download the PDF and submit to the following address:
Earline Barrios, Membership Secretary
10444 Tuminaro Lane
Amite, LA 70422-4442

New Member Application (PDF)
Please use one form per individual.

Dog (Regular Member Only)

Please list the name, registration number, transfer number, sex and color of the youngest Cavalier you own.


Please indicate the type of membership for which you are applying.
Note: If you reside outside the USA you must check FOREIGN MEMBERSHIP.
Dues run from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year.

Open to residents of the United States of America, 18 years or older, who meet any of the following criteria:

  1. The Owner of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel which is registered with the CKCSC-USA. (However, if two or more persons own such a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, any two, but in no case more than two, shall be entitled to Regular Membership based on such ownership).
  2. Any member of the immediate family (parent, spouse, domestic partner, child) of an individual eligible member under 1. above.
  3. The Owner of a Rescue Cavalier listed with the CKCSC-USA.
  4. A Regular Member who does not currently own a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel registered with the CKCSC-USA, but has owned one for the previous two full years or more, may retain Regular Membership by paying annual dues for a further period of two full years, as long as she/he fulfills the other requirements for Regular Membership. After that period, if she/he has not acquired ownership of another Cavalier, she/he may continue Membership in the CKCSC-USA, as an Associate member.

Available to families of Regular Members only.
If this type of membership is requested, check the box and attach the REGULAR MEMBERSHIP SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR A FAMILY MEMBER to this application.

Open to any person who is interested in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed and who is not eligible for Regular Membership. If this membership is for a minor child, please give child’s birth date.

Statistics of the CKCSC-USA. If you wish to subscribe, please make the appropriate choice below

This is a subscription to the quarterly statistical report of the CKCSC-USA. Statistics include New Members, Transfers of Ownership, Litter Registrations, Imported Dogs, Additions of Affix, Deceased Dogs, etc.

Delivered electronically via email in Adobe Acrobat format
Delivered traditionally via postal mail

Please indicate any regional clubs for which you are applying.
Join as many regionals as you like!
To join a Regional Club(s) you must also be a member of the CKCSC-USA.

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

By selecting this feature your membership will be automatically renewed so that you do not miss any of the great offerings of the CKCSC-USA. This feature will automatically renew National and Regional memberships as well as Statistics only. This option is only available when paying by credit card.

You will have the ability to provide donations on an annual basis online. You will automatically receive an email from the membership office when your membership(s) are renewed. Finally, you can opt out of this feature at any time by contacting the membership office.

I hereby apply for membership in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA, Inc. (CKCSC-USA). I understand that the By-laws of the CKCSC-USA include the Code of Ethics. I agree to abide by the By-laws and all other Policies and Procedures of the CKCSC-USA as in force at the date of my application and as may be subsequently modified and/or amended by the Officers, Directors and Members of the CKCSC-USA. Membership approval is not automatically granted.

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