Show Rules


as of 4/12/20

(The term “Dog” applies to both sexes unless otherwise specified.
The term AKC refers to the American Kennel Club.)


I.  Owners/Exhibitors

  1. All exhibitors are expected to practice good sportsmanship inside and outside the show ring.
  2. There shall be no abusive training on the show grounds or premises during the show weekend.  The Show Rules Committee shall be responsible for enforcing this rule and shall investigate any reports of infractions.
  3. Each member agrees, by entering a dog in a CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship show, to abide by these rules and the CKCSC, USA, Procedures for Registration & Transfer of Dogs, and further agrees and understands that no form of recourse other than what is stated herein is available.
  4. Only paid-up members in good standing with the CKCSC, USA, and CKCSC regional clubs may enter their dogs.
  5. No owner who has any unpaid CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional club accounts on the closing date of a given show shall enter a dog at that show.  Any trophy not returned by the day of the show for which it is awarded is considered an automatic indebtedness.  The owner must pay a penalty of $250 and may not show any dogs at that show until the penalty is paid.  The owner may not enter or show any dogs at subsequent shows until the trophy is returned to the offering club.  In addition, the owner must pay $250 for each month the trophy is not returned.  In lieu of all or part of the penalty, the Show Rules Committee may negotiate an equivalent alternative solution resulting in the availability of the missing trophy by the end of the show.  Members are strongly encouraged to return their trophies by the time requested by the Trophy Chair for that show.  Trophies not returned to the Show Chair by the published start time of the show as designated in the premium are considered unreturned trophies and are subject to the penalty.
  6. If a dog is co-owned, at least one owner must be a member in good standing.  The co-owner must also be in good standing, whether s/he is a member or not.
  7. Owners living within the region of the show-giving club must be members of that regional club in order to enter their dogs.
  8. Owners are responsible for errors on their entry forms.
  9. No dog may be entered in more than one Official Conformation Class.
  10. No dog may be entered under a Judge by whom it was bred or to whom it has belonged.  No dog may be entered under a Judge who has exhibited it in any manner within the last 12 months. 
  11. If a dog is co-owned, although only one owner need sign the entry form, both co-owners must be in agreement as to when and in which class(es) the dog is to be entered.  If one co-owner files a protest against the other for entering the dog, and the protest is upheld (see Section V), all wins at that show will be disallowed.
  12. No entries may be changed or withdrawn after the postmark closing date except in the case of an in-season bitch entered in a Performance Trial (see Section I, Rule 20) or registration restriction for DNA reasons (see Section I, Rule 24).
  13. If a Cavalier is entered by the breeder/owner in the Bred By Exhibitor class and the breeder/owner is not available to show it, the dog can be moved to the Open Class.  The Show Secretary must be informed in writing by submission of the Bred By Class Change Form after the closing date and until 30 minutes prior to the start of all judging for that day.  Once a dog is moved to the Open Class, it must remain in the Open Class for the remainder of the show weekend.  The breeder/owner is ineligible to show any dog in Bred By Exhibitor for the duration of the Show Weekend.  If a Cavalier fails to appear in the Official Conformation Class in which it is entered, it cannot be exhibited in any other Official Conformation Class on that day.
  14. If a dog is withdrawn after the postmark closing date, misses its class or is excused, no refund of entry fee shall be made except in the case of an in-season bitch entered in a Performance Trial (see Section I, Rule 20) or registration restriction for DNA reasons (See Section I, Rule 24).
  15. The term “immediate family” shall comprise a member of the household, spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandchild and the aforementioned relationships if in-laws or step-relations.
  16. In order to exhibit, a person must be a member in good standing of the CKCSC, USA.  Members of that person’s immediate family may also exhibit dogs in that Member’s ownership, whether or not they are members, as long as they are in good standing with the CKCSC, USA.  While the CKCSC, USA strongly encourages the handling of entries by their owners, or by members of their owners' immediate families, the handling of one Member's dog by another Member or that Member’s immediate family is allowed as a courtesy by the CKCSC, USA and consequently by the Show Rules Committee of any Show-giving Club.  However, the privilege of handling a dog for a member may be revoked for cause at the discretion of the Show Rules Committee.
  17. No person who has, within the two years prior to the date of any given show, accepted any form of compensation, monetary or other, for training or handling any dog, will be permitted to handle a dog in conformation classes at a CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship show unless s/he is the registered owner of the dog or a member of the registered owner’s immediate family.  Placing a dog in co-ownership may be construed as a violation of this rule unless there is evidence that the co-ownership is bona fide and was not established for the purpose of engaging the services of the second owner as a handler.
  18. Owners or Exhibitors must not participate in double handling with anyone exhibiting in the show ring or with anyone outside or inside the ring.  Double handling is defined as standing or sitting ringside and acting in a manner to attract the dog's attention using any subtle or overt means so that the dog shows and handles better than the dog would if exhibited in the accepted manner.  Owners or Exhibitors having their dog exhibited by someone else must not take any action, such as moving around the outside of the ring or making any sound, to get the dog's attention to give it an advantage over the other dogs in the ring.  Owners or Exhibitors may not place anyone outside the ring to take any action to get the dog’s attention while they are exhibiting in the ring.  Anyone witnessing double handling should notify the Ring Steward, who will immediately notify the Judge to cease judging until the double handling has stopped.  The Ring Steward must advise the participants involved that their actions are perceived as double handling and to cease them immediately.  If it persists, the Judge must excuse the dog, exhibitor, and collaborator from the ring for the rest of the day.  Any other dogs entered by the exhibitor or collaborator may still be shown, but not by that exhibitor or collaborator.  If the collaborator does not have an entry in the show or the exhibit is no longer in competition, they will be subject to a monetary penalty.  Any such incident must be reported immediately to the Chair of the Show Rules Committee who must investigate promptly and report the matter in writing to the Secretary of the CKCSC, USA.  If there is another competition during the weekend, the Show Rules Chair, Ring Steward, and Judge for that competition must be advised of the infraction.  If there is a second violation on the same day or weekend, the exhibitor and collaborator are expelled from the show room for the rest of the competition.
  19. A ring steward shall not handle a dog under a judge for whom s/he is stewarding.
  20. Should an entered bitch be in-season on the day(s) of the Performance Trial, the owner may have the entry fee refunded upon written request to the President of the show-giving club, stating the reason the bitch was not exhibited, and handed in or postmarked not more than a week following the trial.
  21. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have his/her dog at ringside for each competition for which the dog is eligible, whether or not it is called to the ring.  The stewards will try to have all eligible dogs called to the ring for all competitions; however, if the exhibitor has any questions about whether his/her dog should be in the ring for any given competition, s/he should ask a steward and not wait to be called.  In no case shall the show-giving club or its stewards be held responsible for the absence of any dog from any competition for which it is eligible.
  22. The display for sale or sale of Cavaliers is prohibited within one mile of the show ring.
  23. Show entries and all supporting documents are considered club records.
  24. Should an entered dog receive a registration restriction for DNA reasons before the closing date of the show, the owner will have the entry fee refunded upon written request to the President of the show-giving club stating the reason the dog was withdrawn and handed in or postmarked not more than one week following the show.
  25. The published hotel and ground rules for each show must be obeyed.  Violators will be severely penalized.

II.  Dogs

  1. Only dogs individually registered in the CKCSC, USA, Stud Book or awaiting a CKCSC, USA Registration Number as an import from a foreign registry may be entered in Official or Unofficial Conformation Classes at CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship shows.  USA-resident members may show on their dog’s original kennel registration number for a period of 3 months from the first date they are shown.  Dogs awaiting CKCSC, USA Registration Numbers as part of the litter registration process may be entered in championship shows using their AKC number if the person entering the dog is not the Breeder.  Dogs still in the ownership of the Breeder may be entered using the AKC number if the litter registration has been submitted to the Registration Secretary.  Entries must be accompanied by proof of foreign registration and the Supplemental Entry Form available at  Dogs not registered within 3 months forfeit all points and titles unless an appeal is upheld by the CKCSC, USA Board of Directors.
  2. Dogs individually registered in the CKCSC, USA, Stud Book, those with Performance Events Numbers (PEN’s), and those awaiting a CKCSC, USA Registration Number as an import from a foreign registry or an in-progress litter registration with a completed AKC registration (See Section II, Rule 1) may be entered in Junior Showmanship, Performance Events and in any classes at Fun Matches.
  3. An in-season bitch may be exhibited in any conformation competition.  The exhibitor must inform the Judge when showing an in-season bitch.  In-season bitches must be kenneled in the hotel room or in a separate kennel area when they are not in the ring or getting ready to enter the ring as the next class.  Otherwise, no in-season bitch shall be permitted in the show room or adjacent areas.  In-season bitches must be exercised in a separate area.
  4. Practicing in the rings, outside of scheduled events, is not allowed at any time during the show weekend.
  5. No unentered dog shall be allowed in the rings on the day(s) of the show except during scheduled events.
  6. With the exception of neutered dogs, dogs who have had a testicle removed when medically necessary, and spayed bitches, no dog whose appearance or movement has been altered by artificial means, surgical or otherwise, except as allowed by the Code of Ethics, shall be exhibited at a CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship show.
  7. Eligibility for classes qualified by age, including Junior Showmanship, shall be determined as of the date of the show.  Age is determined by the numerical day of the month in which the dog or child is born (i.e. – a dog born on January 10th is 5 months old on June 10th; a child born on July 10, 1990 is 6 years old on July 10, 1996).  When a dog is born on the 30th or 31st of a month, should its 5, 9, 12 or 18 month birthday occur in a month with fewer than 30 or 31 days, its 5, 9, 12 or 18 month eligibility date shall be the last day of that month.
  8. Eligibility for classes qualified by wins shall be determined as of the postmark closing date of entries for that show.
  9. All winners of Official Conformation Classes MUST compete for Winners Dog or Winners Bitch or be disqualified and lose all points earned at that show.  Should either Winners Dog or Winners Bitch be absent from Best In Show competition, the other dog wins Best In Show by default.  In this instance, Reserve Best In Show and Best Opposite Sex shall not be awarded.
  10. Any dog shall be removed from the ring for aggression of any kind, whether it be towards a judge, dog, steward or other exhibitor, for the remainder of the show weekend and shall not thereafter be permitted to be shown until further action by the CKCSC, USA, Board.  Any such incident must be immediately reported by the judge or ring steward to the Chair of the Show Rules Committee who shall promptly investigate and report the matter in writing to the Secretary of the CKCSC, USA.
  11. All dogs must be crated when not under the supervision of a wide awake, responsible adult and must never be allowed to eliminate inside.  All dogs must be lead trained and exercised outside.  Violators will be severely penalized.
  12. Dogs with registration restrictions for DNA reasons can be entered during the investigation period.  Once the grace period is over and a restriction based on DNA is effective, the dog cannot enter unless and until the restriction is lifted prior to the closing date for a given show.  If a restriction becomes effective after the closing date, the dog may remain entered in the show.

III.  Host Club

  1. An Official Conformation Class is a class which, if the entry justifies, earns championship points for the winner.
  2. All Official Conformation Classes, as stipulated in the accompanying Definition of Classes, must be offered at every CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship show.
  3. Unofficial Conformation Classes may or may not be offered in any combination which the show-giving club stipulates in its premium list.
  4. No classes other than those listed in the Definition of Classes may be offered at any CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional championship show.
  5. Official Conformation Classes shall be divided by sex.
  6. The show rules must be published in the premium list and the catalog for each championship show.
  7. All excused dogs shall be recorded in the official show documentation giving the reason for the excuse.
  8. All Final and Special Awards in the accompanying Definition of Classes must be awarded at every CKCSC, USA or CKCSC regional championship show.  Dogs must have competed in the Official Conformation Classes and not been defeated by another dog within that category to be eligible to compete for the Special Awards.  Clubs may offer additional Special Awards.  Additional Special Awards must be published in the premium list and the catalog for that championship show.
  9. Unless postmark closing is specifically specified, the term closing means postmark closing date unless late entries are accepted.  In that case, closing means the published date for the receipt of late entries.  Postmark closing must be no earlier than 3 weeks before the first competition event of the show weekend.  Late closing, if specified, must be in time for the catalog to be printed with all of the entries received by the time of late closing.  Premiums must be mailed so that they are received no later than 3 weeks prior to the postmark closing.
  10. Late entries may be accepted on the day at double the published entry fee for any Sweepstakes competition as long as the dog is already entered in at least one championship show that weekend and appears in the show catalog.  The prize money will not be recalculated and all money goes to the Club offering the competition.

IV.  Judges

  1. Any judge for any event (championship show, Junior Showmanship, Performance Event, Fun Match, etc.) must be at least 18 years old.
  2. No-one judging a championship show, or member of his/her immediate family, may enter or exhibit a dog at a championship show on the weekend s/he is judging.  Obedience, Rally, or Agility Trial judges may enter and compete in any of the Performance trials offered during the weekend except the event they are judging.
  3. Anyone judging a non-championship event (i.e. – sweepstakes, futurity, Puppy of the Year, Show of Shows, Performance Event, etc.) may enter any other competition but may not exhibit prior to the completion of their judging assignment.  This rule does NOT apply to Junior Showmanship judges who may enter and/or exhibit at any other event during the show weekend.
  4. Judges should review Section I. Owners/Exhibitors - Rule 18 regarding double handling.
  5. Judges should review Section II. Dogs --- Rule 10 regarding dogs showing aggressive behavior.
  6. All excused dogs and exhibitors shall be recorded by the Judge in the Judge’s Book, giving the reason for the excuse.

V.  Show Rules Committee/Complaints

  1. A Show Rules Committee with Chair will be appointed for each show.  The Show Rules Committee and Chair will be named in the premium list for that show, in the show catalog and in the mailing to the membership which gives the awards made.
  2. At any given show, the Show Rules Committee shall have authority over the interpretation and application of the show rules.
  3. Complaints arising out of alleged violations of the show rules may be lodged with the Chair of the Show Rules Committee at any time during the day of the show.  If not made on that day, a complaint must be lodged in writing with the Chair of the Show Rules Committee of that show no later than 30 days (postmark) after the show results are officially published (postmark).  The use of certified mail, return receipt requested, is suggested.
  4. The Secretary of the CKCSC, USA, will be informed in writing of all decisions of the Show Rules Committee as they are made.
  5. It is the duty of the Show Rules Committee to settle any such matter as promptly as possible, so that final show results may be posted and titles awarded.  If the Show Rules Committee is unable to render a decision within 30 days after receipt of a complaint, it will turn over the matter to the CKCSC, USA, Board which will render a decision.
  6. If the Show Rules Committee renders a decision unsatisfactory to any party, any party may appeal to the CKCSC, USA, Board.  The appeal, in writing, is to be received by the CKCSC, USA, Secretary within 30 days of the decision of the Show Rules Committee.  This appeal should contain all the facts as perceived by the party(s) and should state why the party(s) believes the Show Rules Committee should be overruled.  The decision of the CKCSC, USA, Board will be final.
  7. In the event of a judging change after the premium is published, the host club Show Rules Committee will have the sole authority to determine the eligibility of any dog to show.  After postmark closing, the Show Rules Committee may not refund any entry fees except for those dogs determined to be ineligible.  Where feasible, the Show Rules Committee may allow replacement entries for dogs that are determined ineligible after the entries close, but before the catalog is set.  Any dog already included in the catalog, but not entered on the day of the judging change due to ineligibility or voluntary non-entry, may be allowed to show in the same class as entered the other day(s), if otherwise eligible, upon payment of the entry fee.



  1. All exhibitors are expected to practice good sportsmanship inside and outside the show ring.
  2. Where applicable CKCSC, USA, Show Rules will be followed.
  3. Only dogs individually registered in the CKCSC, USA, Stud Book or dogs with Performance Events Numbers (PEN’s) may be entered.
  4. Anyone not entered in either handling competition at the time the catalog is published may sign up with the current Table Steward by the end of the current competition (Puppy Sweepstakes or Best In Show) to participate in the next day’s competition.  The Table Steward is responsible for processing the entry.


as of 1/1/18
All terms referring to Obedience, Rally, Agility, Trick Dog, and Scent Work titles refer to those titles awarded by the CKCSC, USA, unless preceded by the designation of another recognized kennel club.

As of 1/1/18

(Where applicable CKCSC, USA, Show Rules will be followed.)

  1. An Official Obedience or Optional Titling Class is a class in which a dog may earn a leg if it has a qualifying score.
  2. If an obedience trial is offered, all Official Obedience Classes, as stipulated in the Definition of Classes, must be offered.
  3. Optional Titling Classes and Unofficial Obedience Classes may or may not be offered in any combination which the trial-giving club stipulates in its premium list.
  4. No class(es) other than those listed in the Definition of Classes may be offered at any CKCSC, USA, or CKCSC regional obedience trial.
  5. Classes will be judged according to AKC Obedience Regulations.
  6. The terms C-CD, C-CDX, C-UD, C-UDX, C-GN, C-GO, C-BN, C-PCD, C-PCDX, C-PUTD, and C-PUDX refer to those titles awarded by the CKCSC, USA.
  7. A qualifying score (more than 50% of the available points in each exercise and a final score of 170 or more) shall NOT be required for any class placings or any special awards or trophies for which dogs in one class compete against dogs in one or more classes.
  8. Dogs entered in Optional Titling Classes or Unofficial Obedience Classes are not eligible for the Highest Scoring Dog in Trial award.
  9. Dogs entered in Novice A or B may be entered in Preferred Novice.
  10. Practicing in the rings, outside of scheduled events, is not allowed at any time during the trial weekend.
  11. No unentered dog shall be allowed in the obedience ring on the day(s) of the trial except during scheduled events or approved demonstrations.
  12. A Performance Rules Committee and Chair will be appointed for each trial.  The Performance Rules Committee  and Chair will be named in the premium list for that trial, in the catalog and in the mailing to the membership which gives the awards made.
  13. At any given trial, the Performance Rules Committee shall have authority over the interpretation and application of the obedience and rally rules.
  14. There shall be no abusive training on the show grounds or premises during the trial weekend.  The Performance Rules Committee shall be responsible for enforcing this rule and shall investigate any reports of infractions.
  15. After a dog earns a title, it may be moved up to the next class in a future trial even though the closing date for the trial has passed.  This move-up may be requested if, according to the owner's records, the dog has completed the requirements for the title after the closing date of the trial in which the advanced entry is to be made.  The request for a move-up must be in writing. on an approved form, and presented to the Obedience Chair at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each trial.  Move-ups may be approved, provided the next level class (i.e. Novice to Open) and judge are available.  The club shall state clearly in its premium that move-ups are allowed.
  16. A dog must earn three qualifying scores under two different judges to earn a CD, CDX or UD title in Obedience.
  17. Dogs may be shown wearing a harness.  (See Performance Events Harness Rules.)

As of 1/1/18

(Where applicable CKCSC, USA, Show Rules will be followed.)

  1. If a trial is offered, qualifying scores may earn legs toward rally titles.
  2. The terms C-RN, C-RA, C-RI, C-RE, C-RAE, C-RM, and C-RACH refer to those titles awarded by the CKCSC, USA.
  3. No dog may be entered in the A and in the B classes of the same level at a trial.
  4. A person may enter more than one dog in any class.
  5. Classes will be judged according to the AKC Rally Regulations.
  6. A qualifying score of 70 points out of a maximum of 100 points shall be required for any class placement.
  7. Scores earned in Rally classes are not eligible for the Highest Scoring Dog in Trail Award.
  8. Dogs may be entered in Rally and Obedience classes.
  9. After a dog earns a title, it may be moved up to the next class in a future trial even though the closing date for the trial has passed.  This move-up may be requested if, according to the owner's records, the dog has completed the requirements for the title after the closing date of the trial in which the advanced entry is to be made.  The request for a move-up must be in writing, on an approved form, and presented to the Obedience Chair at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each trial.  Move-ups may be approved, provided the next level class (i.e. Novice to Open) and judge are available.  The club shall state clearly in its premium that move-ups are allowed.
  10. Dogs may be shown wearing a harness.  (See Performance Event Harness Rules.)

As of 1/1/18

(Where applicable CKCSC, USA, Show Rules will be followed.)

  1. If a trial is offered, approved skills may earn legs toward Trick Dog titles.
  2. The terms C-TKN, C-TKI, C-TKA and C-TKP refer to those titles awarded by the CKCSC, USA.

As of 9/1/22

(Where applicable CKCSC, USA, Show Rules will be followed.)

  1. Scent Work classes are official titling classes.
  2. Elements that can be offered include: Container, Interior, Exterior, Buried, and Handler Discrimination.
  3. Levels are Novice (divided into Novice A and Novice B), Advanced, Excellent, and Master.
  4. The club holding the Scent Work trial will decide what elements will be offered for the trial.
  5. All levels will be held for the elements offered, as members become eligible to enter the higher levels.
  6. Classes will be judged according to the AKC Scent Work Regulations.
  7. A qualifying performance is required for class placings.
  8. A handler may only show one dog in each class.
  9. High In Trial is available when two or more elements are offered for the trial.  High In Trial will be awarded to the highest qualifying team at each level.  A team must enter and qualify in all elements offered at that level to be eligible to compete for High In Trial.  High In Trial awards will be recorded with the show results.
  10. A Performance Rules Committee and Chair will be appointed for each trial.  The Performance Rules Committee and Chair will be named in the premium list for that trial, in the catalog and in the mailing to the membership which gives the awards made.
  11. At any given trial, the Performance Rules Committee shall have authority over the interpretation and application of the Scent Work rules.


If, as an exhibitor in performance, your dog cannot wear a collar due to medical or physical restrictions, but your dog is not in distress when wearing a harness, you may comply with these rules to show your dog in a performance event.

  1. The exhibitor must have a letter, signed by the dog’s veterinarian within six months of the show date stating that the dog cannot wear a collar, but is sound to work in a harness.  The note must state that, in the veterinarian’s opinion, the dog can perform the exercises without harm or injury to the dog.  A sample letter may be obtained from the Chair of the Performance Events Committee.
  2. The exhibitor must fill out a Harness Request Form and present the form, harness, and dog to a member of the event’s Performance Show Rules Committee and the Judge of the event.  The harness will be examined for its compliance to the Performance Event Harness Regulations by the member of the event’s Performance Show Rules Committee and the Judge of the event.  If the harness qualifies as acceptable, the exhibitor and dog may exhibit in the event.  If the harness is unacceptable, the exhibitor and dog may not exhibit in the event and the exhibitor may submit a written request for an entry refund minus a minimal processing fee to the President of the show-giving club, stating that the harness was unacceptable, and handed in or postmarked not more than a week following the show.  The Harness Request Form should be completed and filed with the event’s performance results.  The Harness Form may be obtained from the Chair of the Performance Events Committee.


  1. The harness must be of flat, nylon webbing material.
  2. The leash must attach to the harness via an attachment on the back of the dog.
  3. The harness may not restrict movement of any kind, such as a harness that restricts the dog from pulling or jumping.
  4. Nothing may be hanging from the dog’s harness.
  5. The harness must be relatively snug, but not too tight, and may not hang limply from the dog’s body.

Agility Trial Regulations
as of 1/1/11

The Regulations for Agility Trials of the American Kennel Club (AKC) will be imposed for all CKCSC-USA agility trials, with the following exceptions:

  1. Courses will be designed except for the following weave pole exceptions:

Weave Poles












  1. A jump height card indicating the height of the dog at the withers issued by an agility organization must be attached to the trial entry form.  If a dog does not have a jump height card, the dog must be measured by an official judge before the start of the class.
  2. The jump height divisions of the AKC will be followed.
  3. Move-ups must be presented to the show secretary 30-minutes before start of trial.
  4. Exhibitors may enter a dog in a higher performance class to earn the higher title, but the class may not change after the closing date of the trial.
  5. Obstacle requirements, performance and judging will follow current AKC Rules and Regulations (reference AKC Agility Rules and Regulations Chapter 5).
  6. Class Performance will follow current AKC Rules and Regulations (reference AKC Agility Rules and Regulations Chapter 6 and 7).  This includes course time requirements.
  7. Agility title requirements:



Earned from Class

Number of Qualifying Scores

Cavalier Novice Agility




Cavalier Open Agility




Cavalier Excellent Agility


Excellent A


Cavalier Master Agility


Excellent B


Cavalier Novice Agility Jumpers




Cavalier Open Agility Jumpers




Cavalier Excellent Agility Jumpers


Excellent A


Cavalier Master Agility Jumpers


Excellent B



To earn a title, a Cavalier may earn more than one qualifying score under the same judge; but at least two of those qualifying scores must have been earned from at least two different judges.

Preferred titles: The above regular titles followed by a ‘P’ will be identified as Preferred titles (C-NAP, etc).

Cavalier Preferred Agility Excellent (C-PAX) This title will be awarded to any Cavalier who has earned six double qualifying scores at the preferred jump height.  A double qualifying score is earned when the dog qualifies in both the Standard Excellent B Preferred class and the Jumper Excellent B Preferred class at the same trial.

Cavalier Master Agility Champion (C-MACH): This title will be awarded to any Cavalier who has earned the Cavalier Grand Agility Master award three times and has earned a minimum of six double qualifying scores.   A double qualifying score is earned when the dog qualifies in both the Standard Excellent B Regular class and the Jumper Excellent B Regular class at the same trial.  This title supersedes all Regular agility titles.  Since this title is the highest agility titles a cavalier can earn, demonstrating superior performance, this title will precede the dog’s registered name.

Annual Agility Awards

Cavalier Grand Agility Master (C-GAM): This Award Certificate will be issued to the top five-ranked Cavaliers exhibiting in any Excellent B class at Regular jump height.  Preferred classes are not eligible for the Cavalier Grand Agility Master award.  Ranking will be the total of the following from all CKCSC-USA agility trials held within a calendar year:

  • Total course points.  Course points are awarded for each full second under standard course time.  No partial points are awarded.
  • Ten points are awarded for each double qualifying score.  A double qualifying score is earned when the dog qualifies in both the Standard Excellent B class and the Jumpers Excellent B class at the same trial.

JUNIOR HANDLER AWARD:  Certificates will be issued to any junior handler earning an agility title.