POTY & Cavaliers of the West
Thursday: Puppy of the Year! - Stephen Watts, Jamesbonny Cavaliers, Wales
Friday - Pat Lander, Jayba Cavaliers, USA
Saturday – Mark Sedgwick, Pascavale, UK
Sunday – Dana Cline, AKC
Rally and Obedience:
Friday - Marina Pavlovsky, AKC
Saturday - Carol Riback, AKC
Sunday - Marina Pavlovsky, AKC
Great Rates! Be sure to book in the block using code:
For attendees who wish to reserve their room accommodations online, please use/share the follow group link:
1 Night Depost is due upon booking. Here are the great per night rates:
CKCSC Members may also call the reservation office at 800-582-2228 or 702-796-3322 to make their own room reservations. In order to receive the group rate, the caller must identify their affiliation with the “Cavaliers of the West” group or refer to Group Code: CAV2022. Maximum 4 dogs per room with a $100 non-refundable deposit. 2 dogs is a $50 non-refundable deposit.
Friday - Dogs=41 Bitches=50
Saturday - Dogs=39 Bitches=49
Sunday - Dogs=41 Bitches=51
Performance Results
Puppy of the Year 2022 Results, Thursday, January 13, 2022, Judge: Mr. Stephen Watts, Jamesbonny Cavaliers, Wales
Conformation Results for Friday, January 14, 2022, Judge: Pat Lander, Jayba Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Saturday, January 15, 2022, Judge: Mark Sedgwick, Pascavale Cavaliers, UK
Conformation Results for Sunday, January 16, 2022, Judge: Dana Cline, AKC
Show Points Report for Friday, January 14, 2022, Judge: Pat Lander, Jayba Cavaliers, USA
Show Points Report for Saturday, January 15, 2022, Judge: Mark Sedgwick, Pascavale Cavaliers, UK
Show Points Report for Sunday, January 16, 2022, Judge: Dana Cline, AKC