Come join us for a Judge's Seminar given by Jean Tremblay on Saturday, the time will be announced closer to the show, stay tuned. The cost is $5.00 for pizza and beverages will be provided. Please contact Carinne Brezine at 775.240.6546 to sign up. Payment will be collected at the seminar.
Cavaliers of the West (COTW)
Sweeps: September 2, Jamie Seidman McDonnell, Tassajara Cavaliers, USA
September 2, Kathy Kates, Darane Cavaliers, USA
September 3, Jean Tremblay, Halfmoon Cavaliers, Canada
September 4, Elaine Lessig, Roi L Cavaliers, USA
Olympia Hotel at Capitol Lake
2300 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia WA, USA
(800) 206-9339 and identifying themselves as members of the group Cavaliers of the West 2023 Group or online here;
Saturday - Bitches=14 Dogs=14
Sunday - Bitches=14 Dogs=14
Monday - Bitches=15 Dogs=14
Sweeps Results for Saturday September 2, 2023, Judge Jamie Seidman McDonnell, Tassajara Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Saturday September 2, 2023, Judge Kathy Kates, Darane Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Sunday September 3, 2023, Judge Jean Tremblay, Halfmoon Cavaliers, Canada
Conformation Results for Monday September 4, 2023, Judge Elaine Lessig, Roi L Cavaliers, USA
Show Points Report for Saturday, September 2, 2023; Judge: Kathy Kates, Darane Cavaliers, USA
Show Points Report for Sunday, September 3, 2023; Judge: Jean Tremblay, Halfmoon Cavaliers, Canada
Show Points Report for Monday, September 4, 2023; Judge: Elaine Lessig, Roi L Cavaliers, USA