Cavaliers of the West
Sweeps - John Goodwin, Intrynzik Cavaliers, USA
July 1, 2023 - Paula Ayers, Brookhaven Cavaliers, USA
July 2, 2023 - David Frederick, Twickenham, USA
July 3, 2023 - Jo Lewis, Carleeto, UK
Saturday & Sunday, Hazel Olbrich, AKC
Monday, Cathy Dutra, AKC
Reservations: Call hotel directly at 510-635-5000. Identify yourself as being with the Cavaliers of the West to receive the special group rate. Our group code is CAV. Reservation cut off date is June 8, 2023.
Single/double or king -----$ 139.00 plus tax
Patio/ single/double or king----$ 159.00 plus tax
Patio standard triple occupancy----$ 159.00 plus tax
Patio quad occupancy----$ 159.00 plus tax
Standard quad occupancy---$ 159.00 plus tax
Patio rooms are extremely limited, reserve them early!
Saturday - Dogs=32 Bitches=31
Sunday - Dogs=32 Bitches=31
Monday - Dogs=29 Bitches=33
Weekend Performance Results
Sweepstakes Results for Friday, June 30, 2023; Judge: John Goodwin, Intrynzik Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Saturday, July 1, 2023; Judge: Paula Ayers, Brookhaven Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Sunday, July 2, 2023; Judge: David Frederick, Twickenham Cavaliers, USA
Conformation Results for Monday, July 3, 2023; Judge: Jo Lewis, Carleeto Cavaliers, UK
Show Points Report for Saturday, July 1, 2023; Judge: Paula Ayers, Brookhaven Cavaliers, USA
Show Points Report for Sunday, July 2, 2023; Judge: David Frederick, Twickenham Cavaliers, USA
Show Points Report for Monday, July 3, 2023; Judge: Jo Lewis, Carleeto Cavaliers, UK